Reverse Nodes in k-Group


Reverse Nodes in k-Group


  • Use mind to make it simple
  • Try to reuse existing code
  • Calculate number of iterations required with given total length and k
  • call reverseBetween(head *ListNode, leftIndex int, rightIndex int) for those many iterations

Golang Solution

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * type ListNode struct {
 *     Val int
 *     Next *ListNode
 * }
func reverseKGroup(head *ListNode, k int) *ListNode {
	current := head
	count := 0
	for current != nil {
		current = current.Next
	fmt.Printf("Total nodes : %d\n", count)
	iterations := count / k
	fmt.Printf("iterations : %d\n", iterations)

	leftIndex, rightIndex := 1, k
	for i := 1; i <= iterations; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("leftIndex=%d, rightIndex=%d\n", leftIndex, rightIndex)
		head = reverseBetween(head, leftIndex, rightIndex)
		leftIndex += k
		rightIndex += k

	return head

func reverseBetween(head *ListNode, leftIndex int, rightIndex int) *ListNode {
	//edge case
	if leftIndex == rightIndex {
		return head

	var leftPrev *ListNode
	current := head
	//input is started from 1
	// so use staring point as 1 to make it simple in iterations
	for i := 1; i <= leftIndex-1; i++ {
		leftPrev = current
		current = current.Next

	oldLeftHead := current
	//fmt.Printf("oldLeftHead=%d\n", oldLeftHead.Val)

	var prev *ListNode
	for j := 1; j <= rightIndex-leftIndex+1; j++ {
		next := current.Next

		current.Next = prev
		prev = current
		current = next

	oldLeftHead.Next = current
	if leftPrev == nil {
		return prev

	leftPrev.Next = prev
	return head


head = [1,2,3,4,5]
k = 2

Total nodes : 5
iterations : 2
leftIndex=1, rightIndex=2
leftIndex=3, rightIndex=4


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