8 Patterns Review For Successful Coding Interview
8 Patterns Review For Successful Coding Interview This is nothing but quick 5 min revision before going to interview. Visit https: https://codeandalgo.com for more such contents
DBMS ACID Properties
Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability Key Takeaways Please visit https: https://codeandalgo.com for more such contents
Anagram What is an Anagram? An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. Example Group Anagrams Group Anagrams involves taking a list of words and grouping them into subsets of anagrams. Input Output Here, Logic Golang code Output
LRU Cache
LRU Cache Explanation Example Run This implementation provides O(1) complexity for both Get and Put operations using the doubly linked list and map combination. Please visit https: https://codeandalgo.com for more such contents
Finding Identical Files Using Hash Algorithm
Finding Identical Files Using Hash Algorithm Golang Python
Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array
Leetcode#1985 Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array Problem Statement You are given an array of strings nums and an integer k. Each string in nums represents an integer without leading zeros. Return the string that represents the kth largest integer in nums. Note: Duplicate numbers should be counted distinctly. For example, if nums is [“1″,”2″,”2”], “2” is the first largest integer, “2” is the second-largest integer, and “1” is the third-largest integer….
Reverse Nodes in k-Group
Leetcode#25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Logic Golang Solution Output Please visit https: https://codeandalgo.com for more such contents