• 8 Patterns Review For Successful Coding Interview

    8 Patterns Review For Successful Coding Interview This is nothing but quick 5 min revision before going to interview. Visit https: https://codeandalgo.com for more such contents

  • Golang Performance Benchmarking

    Golang Performance Benchmarking Command Example Fibonacci number Benchmarking Results Explanation 1. Environment Information 2. Package Information 3. Benchmark Results For each benchmark function, you get the following details: a. BenchmarkFibo-8 This is the benchmark for your fibo function: b. BenchmarkFiboOptimized-8 This is the benchmark for your fiboOptimized function: 4. Thread Parallelism The -8 suffix (e.g.,…

  • Recursion

    Recursion Infinite Recursion Recursion with base case Print name 5 times Print from 1 to N (Recursion) Print from N to 1 (Recursion) Backtracking Logic Print from 1 to N (Backtracking) Print from N to 1 (Backtracking) Parametrised and Functional Recursion Parametrized Problem-1 : Sum of first N numbers using recursion Functional Problem-2: Sum of…

  • Design URL Shortening Service

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  • Template for System Design Interview

    Introduction Clarification Questions (Scope) Back of the envelope estimates (Metrics) Functional Requirements Non functional Requirements 1. Scalability 2. Availability 3. Reliability (Partition Tolerance) 4. Consistency API’s High Level Design Low Level Design Verification Please visit https: https://codeandalgo.com for more such contents.

  • System Design Concepts

    System Design Concepts Scalability Problem Statement How to design system that can handle millions of request at once ? To answer this we will start with simple solution Single server design Separating Server and Database Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling Vertical Scaling Horizontal Scaling FailOver Strategies Scaling the Database Failover servers : Cold Standby Failover servers…

  • Count occurrences of Anagrams

    Count occurrences of Anagrams Problem Statement Anagram is a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters.Given two strings pattern and input. Find out the number of anagrams of pattern in input.Exampleinput := “abc cab a pq bca s acb a yerfxyasz”pattern := “abc “ Golang Code Output Complexity This implementation is…