LRU Cache

LRU Cache

  • LRU Cache using a combination of a map and a doubly linked list
package main

import "fmt"

// Node represents a doubly linked list node
type Node struct {
	key, value int
	prev, next *Node

// LRUCache represents the LRU Cache
type LRUCache struct {
	capacity int
	cache    map[int]*Node
	head     *Node
	tail     *Node

// Constructor initializes the LRUCache with a given capacity
func Constructor(capacity int) *LRUCache {
	head := &Node{}
	tail := &Node{} = tail
	tail.prev = head
	return &LRUCache{
		capacity: capacity,
		cache:    make(map[int]*Node),
		head:     head,
		tail:     tail,

// Get retrieves the value of the key if it exists in the cache
func (lru *LRUCache) Get(key int) int {
	if node, exists := lru.cache[key]; exists {
		return node.value
	return -1

// Put inserts a key-value pair into the cache
func (lru *LRUCache) Put(key int, value int) {
	if node, exists := lru.cache[key]; exists {
		node.value = value
	} else {
		newNode := &Node{key: key, value: value}
		lru.cache[key] = newNode

		if len(lru.cache) > lru.capacity {
			tail := lru.removeTail()
			delete(lru.cache, tail.key)

// moveToHead moves a node to the head of the list (most recently used)
func (lru *LRUCache) moveToHead(node *Node) {

// addToHead adds a node to the head of the doubly linked list
func (lru *LRUCache) addToHead(node *Node) {
	node.prev = lru.head = = node = node

// removeNode removes a node from the doubly linked list
func (lru *LRUCache) removeNode(node *Node) { = = node.prev

// removeTail removes the least recently used node (from the tail)
func (lru *LRUCache) removeTail() *Node {
	tail := lru.tail.prev
	return tail

func main() {
	lru := Constructor(2)

	lru.Put(1, 1)
	lru.Put(2, 2)
	fmt.Println(lru.Get(1)) // Returns 1

	lru.Put(3, 3)           // Evicts key 2
	fmt.Println(lru.Get(2)) // Returns -1 (not found)

	lru.Put(4, 4)           // Evicts key 1
	fmt.Println(lru.Get(1)) // Returns -1 (not found)
	fmt.Println(lru.Get(3)) // Returns 3
	fmt.Println(lru.Get(4)) // Returns 4


  1. Doubly Linked List:
    • Nodes represent cache entries (keyvalue) and are linked in both directions (prevnext).
    • Head and Tail are dummy nodes used to manage the most and least recently used entries.
  2. HashMap:
    • The cache map holds keys and their corresponding nodes for O(1) access.
  3. Core Operations:
    • Get: Retrieves the value of the key and moves it to the head (most recently used).
    • Put: Inserts a new key-value pair or updates an existing key. If capacity is exceeded, the least recently used node (at the tail) is removed.
    • moveToHead: Updates node usage by moving it to the head.
    • removeTail: Removes the least recently used node (just before the tail).
  4. Constructor:
    • Initializes the LRU cache with the specified capacity.

Example Run

  • Put(1, 1) and Put(2, 2) add two entries to the cache.
  • Get(1) retrieves the value 1 and moves it to the head.
  • Put(3, 3) evicts the least recently used key 2 and adds key 3.
  • Put(4, 4) evicts key 1 and adds key 4.

This implementation provides O(1) complexity for both Get and Put operations using the doubly linked list and map combination.

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