Remove Nth Node From End of List


Remove Nth Node From End of List

Naive Golang solution


  • Always start from head; slow, fast := head, head
  • Traverse n+1 position from beginning of list, move fast pointer to n+1 position
    • edge case : if n == len(of list), then we have to delete head, return head.Next
  • Start traversing both slow and fast, until fast reaches last node
    • i.e. fast.Next == nil

func removeNthFromEnd(head *ListNode, n int) *ListNode {

	slow := head
	fast := head

	// find the (n+1) th  node from beginning
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if fast != nil {
			fast = fast.Next

  // edge case : if n == len(of list), 
  // then we have to delete head, return head.Next
	// this means we have to delete head
	// after traversing n positions from end
	if fast == nil {
		return head.Next

  // Start traversing both slow and fast, until fast reaches last node
	for fast.Next != nil {
		slow = slow.Next
		fast = fast.Next

	slow.Next = slow.Next.Next

	return head

Optimised simple Code

func removeNthFromEnd(head *ListNode, n int) *ListNode {
	// Use a dummy node to simplify edge cases
	dummy := &ListNode{Next: head}
	slow, fast := dummy, dummy

	// Move fast pointer n+1 steps ahead to maintain a gap of n
	for i := 0; i <= n; i++ {
		if fast == nil {
			return head // n is larger than the list size
		fast = fast.Next

	// Move both slow and fast pointers until fast reaches the end
	for fast != nil {
		slow = slow.Next
		fast = fast.Next

	// Remove the nth node from end
	slow.Next = slow.Next.Next

	// Return the updated list, dummy.Next skips the dummy node
	return dummy.Next

Minor improvement

Explanation of Changes

  1. Store the node to be deleted (toDelete):
    • Before modifying the slow.Next pointer, store a reference to the node that is about to be deleted.
  2. Dereference the node:
    • Set toDelete.Next to nil to disconnect it from the list.
    • Set toDelete to nil to ensure it is not referenced anywhere in the code.

Why Dereferencing Helps

Dereferencing the node ensures it is no longer part of the linked list and not reachable from any other part of the program. This makes it eligible for garbage collection more promptly.

While Go’s garbage collector generally handles memory management well, dereferencing is a good practice when dealing with large data structures or critical applications where memory needs to be freed as soon as possible.

	// Remove the nth node from end
	toDelete := slow.Next
	slow.Next = slow.Next.Next

	// Dereference the node to be deleted
	toDelete.Next = nil
	toDelete = nil

Key Changes and Why ?

  1. Dummy Node:
    • Simplifies edge cases like removing the first node.
    • Always ensures slow.Next points to the node to be removed.
  2. Fast Pointer Initialization:
    • Moves fast n+1 steps ahead to maintain a clear n-node gap with slow.
  3. Simplified Logic for Node Removal:
    • Avoids redundant checks for previous and directly uses slow.
  4. Edge Case for Invalid n:
    • If n > length of the list, the code exits early.

Example Test Cases

func main() {
	// Test case 1: Remove the 2nd node from the end
	head := &ListNode{}
	for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
		AddNode(&head, i)
	fmt.Println("Original list:")
	head = removeNthFromEnd(head, 2)
	fmt.Println("After removing 2nd node from end:")

	// Test case 2: Remove the 1st node (head node)
	head = &ListNode{}
	for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
		AddNode(&head, i)
	head = removeNthFromEnd(head, 5)
	fmt.Println("After removing head:")

	// Test case 3: Single node list, remove the only node
	head = &ListNode{Val: 1}
	head = removeNthFromEnd(head, 1)
	fmt.Println("After removing the only node:")

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