Top 10 architecture every engineer should know

Top 10 architecture every engineer should know

Architectural Patterns

  • Monolith: Traditional, single-codebase application structure.
  • Microservices: Small, independent services that work together.
  • Layered: Separates code into layers (e.g., presentation, business logic, data).
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller): Divides application logic into three interconnected components.
  • Plugin: Extendable application where plugins add functionality.
  • Hexagonal (Ports and Adapters), Clean Architecture: Emphasizes decoupling and independent core logic.

Cloud Native Design Patterns

  • Data Management: Efficient handling and storage of data.
  • Cache-Aside: Temporarily stores data in a cache for faster access.
  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) & Event Sourcing: Splits read and write logic; records state changes as events.
  • Messaging: Communication between services.
  • Pub-Sub (Publisher-Subscriber): Event-driven model where publishers and subscribers interact indirectly.
  • Saga (Orchestrator, Choreography): Manages complex transactions in microservices.
  • Pipes and Filters: Data flows through stages of processing.
  • Sidecar: Helper service deployed alongside the main service.
  • Frontend for Backend, Micro Frontends: Tailored front-end architecture for specific backend needs.
  • Gateway Aggregation: Combines multiple services into a single endpoint.

Programming Paradigms

  • Imperative: Code defines how to achieve the result.
  • Structural: Focuses on the program’s structure, like procedural programming.
  • Object-Oriented (OOP): Organizes code into objects with properties and methods.
  • Declarative: Code defines what the result should be, without specifying how.
  • Functional: Emphasizes pure functions and immutability.
  • Other Paradigms: Includes Logic, Reactive, etc.

Code Cleanliness

  • Design Patterns: Standard solutions to common coding problems.
    • Structural Patterns: e.g., Facade, Adapter.
    • Creational Patterns: e.g., Singleton, Factory, Builder.
    • Behavioral Patterns: e.g., Strategy, Chain of Responsibility.
  • SOLID, KISS, YAGNI, and DRY: Foundational principles for cleaner, maintainable code.
  • Programming Language-Specific Best Practices: Guidelines tailored to each language’s idioms and standards.

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